viernes, 12 de agosto de 2016

Our Staff

1. Dr. Walter Rodriguez Villanueva
Medical Director Plastic Surgeon R.N.E. 12820

2. Dr. Carlos Tejada Ramos
Assistant Plastic Surgeon R.N.E. 9549 Arzobispo Loayza Hospital

3. Dr. Ladislao Calixto Vara
Internist Medic - intensivist R.N.E. 5757 - Arzobispo Loayza Hospital

4. Dr. Mario Sánchez
General Surgeon Arzobispo Loayza Hospital

5. Dr. Mario Iván Salerno Cordero
Chief of Otorrino A. Loayza Hosp. R.N.E. 9539

6. Dr. Nelson García Ch.
Cardiologist R.N.E. 1819 Arzobispo Loayza Hospital Ex-Manager

7. Dra. Rosa Zanabria
Assistant Snesthesiologist Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital

8. Dr. Victor Augusto Herrera Tanaka
Cardiologist R.N.E. 018117 / C.M.P. 038794

9. Dra. Milagros Elizabeth Vizcarra Yepez
Police Hospital's Cardiologist C.M.P. 021600

10. Dra. Milagros Espinoza Vargas
Assistant Snesthesiologist R.N.E. 018986 / C.M.P. 028810

Natural and Esthetic Results

Dr. Walter Rodríguez is a member of the Peruvian Society of Plastic Surgery, specializing in reconstructive and aesthetic medicine. All his years of study and work lead him to be one of the greatest references in the beauty and harmony of the female body.

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery in Peru

Dr. Walter Rodríguez Villanueva

Plastic Surgeon RNE 12820

Member of the Peruvian Society of Plastic Surgery


Dr. Rodriguez serves his patients under four major groups of specialties: facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and liposuction. Supported by a large staff of doctors and assistants, and by state-of-the-art technology, they form the Clínica San Miguel.

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